β-Amyloid 18-28
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β-Amyloid 18-28

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β-Amyloid 18-28 is a fragment of Amyloid-β peptide found in plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Peptide Inhibitors
Catalog number
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Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Beta-Amyloid (18-28)
1. Impact of molecular imaging on the diagnostic process in a memory clinic
Rik Ossenkoppele, et al. Alzheimers Dement. 2013 Jul;9(4):414-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2012.07.003. Epub 2012 Nov 16.
Background: [(11)C]Pittsburgh compound B ([(11)C]PIB) and [(18)F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) PET measure fibrillar amyloid-β load and glucose metabolism, respectively. We evaluated the impact of these tracers on the diagnostic process in a memory clinic population. Methods: One hundred fifty-four patients underwent paired dynamic [(11)C]PIB and static [(18)F]FDG PET scans shortly after completing a standard dementia screening. Two-year clinical follow-up data were available for 39 patients. Parametric PET images were assessed visually and results were reported to the neurologists responsible for the initial diagnosis. Outcome measures were (change in) clinical diagnosis and confidence in that diagnosis before and after disclosing PET results. Results: [(11)C]PIB scans were positive in 40 of 66 (61%) patients with a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), 5 of 18 (28%) patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 4 of 5 (80%) patients with Lewy body dementia, and 3 of 10 (30%) patients with other dementias. [(18)F]FDG uptake patterns matched the clinical diagnosis in 38 of 66 (58%) of AD patients, and in 6 of 18 (33%) FTD patients. PET results led to a change in diagnosis in 35 (23%) patients. This only occurred when prior diagnostic certainty was <90%. Diagnostic confidence increased from 71 ± 17% before to 87 ± 16% after PET (p < .001). Two-year clinical follow-up (n = 39) showed that [(11)C]PIB and [(18)F]FDG predicted progression to AD for patients with mild cognitive impairment, and that the diagnosis of dementia established after PET remained unchanged in 96% of patients. Conclusions: In a memory clinic setting, combined [(11)C]PIB and [(18)F]FDG PET are of additional value on top of the standard diagnostic work-up, especially when prior diagnostic confidence is low.
2. The dendritic hypothesis for Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology
J Nicholas Cochran, Alicia M Hall, Erik D Roberson Brain Res Bull. 2014 Apr;103:18-28. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2013.12.004. Epub 2013 Dec 12.
Converging evidence indicates that processes occurring in and around neuronal dendrites are central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. These data support the concept of a "dendritic hypothesis" of AD, closely related to the existing synaptic hypothesis. Here we detail dendritic neuropathology in the disease and examine how Aβ, tau, and AD genetic risk factors affect dendritic structure and function. Finally, we consider potential mechanisms by which these key drivers could affect dendritic integrity and disease progression. These dendritic mechanisms serve as a framework for therapeutic target identification and for efforts to develop disease-modifying therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease.
3. Synthetic peptide homologous to beta protein from Alzheimer disease forms amyloid-like fibrils in vitro
D A Kirschner, H Inouye, L K Duffy, A Sinclair, M Lind, D J Selkoe Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Oct;84(19):6953-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.84.19.6953.
Progressive amyloid deposition in senile plaques and cortical blood vessels may play a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. We have used x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy to study the molecular organization and morphology of macromolecular assemblies formed by three synthetic peptides homologous to beta protein of brain amyloid: beta-(1-28), residues 1-28 of the beta protein; [Ala16]beta-(1-28), beta-(1-28) with alanine substituted for lysine at position 16; and beta-(18-28), residues 18-28 of the beta protein. beta-(1-28) readily formed fibrils in vitro that were similar in ultrastructure to the in vivo amyloid and aggregated into large bundles resembling those of senile plaque cores. X-ray patterns from partially dried, oriented pellets showed a cross-beta-conformation. A series of small-angle, equatorial maxima were consistent with a tubular fibril having a mean diameter of 86 A and a wall composed of pairs of cross-beta-pleated sheets. The data may also be consistent with pairs of cross-beta-sheets that are centered 71-A apart. [Ala16]beta-(1-28) formed beta-pleated sheet assemblies that were dissimilar to in vivo fibrils. The width of the 10-A spacing indicated stacks of about six sheets. Thus, substitution of the uncharged alanine for the positively charged lysine in the beta-strand region enhances the packing of the sheets and dramatically alters the type of macromolecular aggregate formed. beta-(18-28) formed assemblies that had even a greater number of stacked sheets, approximately equal to 24 per diffracting domain as indicated by the sharp intersheet reflection. Our findings on these homologous synthetic assemblies help to define the specific sequence that is required to form Alzheimer-type amyloid fibrils, thus providing an in vitro model of age-related cerebral amyloidogenesis.
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