UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solutions
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UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solutions

BOC Sciences can provide accurate and comprehensive UPLC amino acid analysis solutions, and issue UPLC analysis and detection data in a short time. We have many years of experience in analysis projects, advanced analysis equipment and customer-oriented service concept, providing analysis solutions and strong service support for our customers.

Why Choose UPLC Analysis?

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) is a new technology based on the principle of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), covering small particle packing, low system volume and rapid detection means. UPLC's chromatographic peak resolution and sensitivity are excellent, while high sample throughput can obtain more usable sample information and reduce separation time to achieve the best analytical results.

The Best Choice for Amino Acid Analysis

While improving the speed, sensitivity and resolution of HPLC in an all-round way, UPLC retains its original practicability and principle. Our UPLC amino acid analysis solution can meet the needs of the characterization of amino acids in peptides and proteins, and the analysis of amino acids in food, feed, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Our analysis system can provide customers with accurate and reliable data information that meets specific and stringent requirements.

UPLC Amino Acid Analysis

Our UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solutions

  • UPLC system with powerful hardware equipment

Our UPLC system is equipped with chromatographic columns with small particle hybrid packing materials, low system volume infusion units, and fast response detectors (UV-Vis detector, fluorescence detector and PDA detector) to ensure reliable performance and can analyze all amino acids.

  • QC-tested columns, reagents, and eluents

The chromatographic columns, reagents and eluents used have undergone comprehensive quality control tests, achieving very good separation and analysis results, and quantitative analysis of amino acids and their derivatives. All mobile phases used in the UPLC system are filtered through a 0.22um microporous membrane. We use chromatography-grade organic phases and ultrapure water. The buffer salt solution prepared by us strictly follows the relevant regulations, and the chromatographic columns used are implemented in accordance with the quality standards.

  • Superior performance

Our UPLC amino acid analysis solutions are reliable, ensuring high resolution, high sensitivity and high throughput of amino acid analysis results.

  • Intelligent service platform

Based on the integrated software project platform, we provide customers with intelligent UPLC amino acid analysis solutions.

  • High resolution, high sensitivity, high throughput

Compared with traditional HPLC, the speed, sensitivity and resolution of UPLC are several times higher. We use the UPLC system to separate, analyze and identify the chromatographic peaks of each component in the sample, ensuring the accuracy of the analysis results. Our solutions increase throughput and shorten analysis times while reducing solvent usage and analysis costs.

We have accumulated rich experience and are good at dealing with analytical challenges. We are committed to using UPLC amino acid analysis solutions to effectively analyze the amino acid composition in samples, meeting the needs of production efficiency and analysis quality. High resolution, resolution, sensitivity and analysis throughput ensure the accuracy of analysis results, speed up analysis and save analysis cost.

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