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Caerin 1.8 was found in Litoria chloris. Caerin 1.8 is an antimicrobial peptide that adopts an alpha helical conformation which can disrupt bacterial membranes.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. New antibiotic caerin 1 peptides from the skin secretion of the Australian tree frog Litoria chloris. Comparison of the activities of the caerin 1 peptides from the genus Litoria
S T Steinborner, G J Currie, J H Bowie, J C Wallace, M J Tyler J Pept Res. 1998 Feb;51(2):121-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3011.1998.tb00629.x.
The skin glands of the tree frog Litoria chloris contain a variety of peptides including four antibacterial peptides of the caerin 1 family. Two of these, caerins 1.6 and 1.7, are also present in the related species Litoria xanthomera. The other two peptides, caerins 1.8 and 1.9, are new. Their sequences are: GLFKVLGSVAKHLLPHVVPVIAEKL-NH2 [Caerin 1.8] and GLFGVLGSIAKHVLPHVVPVIAEKL-NH2 [Caerin 1.9]. Comparison of the skin peptide profiles of L. chloris and L. xanthomera confirms that these species are more closely related to each other than to any other species of the genus Litoria that we have studied. A comparison is made of the antibiotic activities of nine members of the caerin 1 family of peptides isolated from tree frogs of the genus Litoria.
2. The membrane-active amphibian peptide caerin 1.8 inhibits fibril formation of amyloid β1-42
Yanqin Liu, Tianfang Wang, Antonio N Calabrese, John A Carver, Scott F Cummins, John H Bowie Peptides. 2015 Nov;73:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2015.08.004. Epub 2015 Aug 11.
The amphibian host-defense peptide caerin 1.8 [(1)GLFKVLGSV(10)AKHLLPHVVP(20)VIAEKL(NH2)] inhibits fibril formation of amyloid β 1-42 [(1)DAEFRHDSG(10)YEVHHQKLVF(20)FAEDVGSNKG(30)AIIGLMVGGV(40)VIA] [Aβ42] (the major precursor of the extracellular fibrillar deposits of Alzheimer's disease). Some truncated forms of caerin 1.8 also inhibit fibril formation of Aβ42. For example, caerin 1.8 (1-13) [(1)GLFKVLGSV(10)AKHL(NH2) and caerin 1.8 (22-25) [KVLGSV(10)AKHLLPHVVP(20)VIAEKL(NH2)] show 85% and 75% respectively of the inhibition activity of the parent caerin 1.8. The synthetic peptide KLVFFKKKKKK is a known inhibitor of Aβ42 fibril formation, and was used as a standard in this study. Caerin 1.8 is the more effective fibril inhibitor. IC50 values (± 15%) are caerin 1.8 (75 μM) and KLVFFKKKKKK (370 μM). MALDI mass spectrometry shows the presence of a small peak corresponding to a protonated 1:1 adduct [caerin 1.8/Aβ42]H(+). Molecular dynamics simulation suggests that both hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions between Aβ42 and caerin 1.8 facilitate the formation of a 1:1 complex in water. Fibril formation from Aβ42 has been proposed to be based around the (16)KLVF(20)F region of Aβ42; this region in the 1:1 complex is partially blocked from attachment of a further molecule of Aβ42.
3. New caerin 1 antibiotic peptides from the skin secretion of the Australian tree frog Litoria chloris. Part 2. Sequence determination using electrospray mass spectrometry
P A Wabnitz, S T Steinborner, G J Currie, J H Bowie, M J Tyler Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 1998;12(2):53-6. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0231(19980131)12:23.0.CO;2-B.
Electrospray mass spectrometry and automated Edman sequencing provides the structures of two new caerin 1 antimicrobial peptides from the skin glands of the Australian tree frog Litoria chloris. These are: caerin 1.8 Gly Leu Phe Lys Val Leu Gly Ser Val Ala Lys His Leu Leu Pro His Val Val Pro Val Ile Ala Glu Lys Leu (NH2), and caerin 1.9, Gly Leu Phe Gly Val Leu Gly Ser Ile Ala Lys His Val Leu Pro His Val Val Pro Val Ile Ala Glu Lys Leu (NH2).
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