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Fallaxidin 4.1

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Fallaxidin 4.1 was found in Litoria fallax. Fallaxidin 4.1 has antibacterial activity against L.lactis (MIC = 12 microM), M.luteus (MIC = 100 microM), S.epidermidis (MIC = 100 microM), and S.uberis (MIC = 50 microM).

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Solution structure and membrane interactions of the antimicrobial peptide fallaxidin 4.1a: an NMR and QCM study
Patrick J Sherman, et al. Biochemistry. 2009 Dec 22;48(50):11892-901. doi: 10.1021/bi901668y.
The solution structure of fallaxidin 4.1a, a C-terminal amidated analogue of fallaxidin 4.1, a cationic antimicrobial peptide isolated from the amphibian Litoria fallax, has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles, fallaxidin 4.1a adopted a partially helical structure with random coil characteristics. The flexibility of the structure may enhance the binding and penetration upon interaction with microbial membranes. Solid-state (31)P and (2)H NMR was used to investigate the effects of fallaxidin 4.1a on the dynamics of phospholipid membranes, using acyl chain deuterated zwitterionic dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC-d(54)) and anionic dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) multilamellar vesicles. In DMPC-d(54) vesicle bilayers, fallaxidin 4.1a caused a decrease in the (31)P chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), and a decrease in deuterium order parameters from the upper acyl chain region, indicating increased lipid motion about the phosphate headgroups. Conversely, for DMPC-d(54)/DMPG, two (31)P CSA were observed due to a lateral phase separation of the two lipids and/or differing headgroup orientations in the presence of fallaxidin 4.1a, with a preferential interaction with DMPG. Little effect on the deuterated acyl chain order parameters was observed in the d(54)-DMPC/DMPG model membranes. Real time quartz crystal microbalance analyses of fallaxidin 4.1a addition to DMPC and DMPC/DMPG supported lipid bilayers together with the NMR results indicated transmembrane pore formation in DMPC/DMPG membranes and peptide insertion followed by disruption at a threshold concentration in DMPC membranes. The different interactions observed with "mammalian" (DMPC) and "bacterial" (DMPC/DMPG) model membranes imply fallaxidin 4.1a may be a useful antimicrobial peptide, with preferential cytolytic activity toward prokaryotic organisms at low peptide concentrations (<5 microM).
2. The fallaxidin peptides from the skin secretion of the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax. Sequence determination by positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry: antimicrobial activity and cDNA cloning of the fallaxidins
Rebecca J Jackway, John H Bowie, Daniel Bilusich, Ian F Musgrave, Kathy H Surinya-Johnson, Michael J Tyler, Peter C H Eichinger Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2008 Oct;22(20):3207-16. doi: 10.1002/rcm.3723.
The glandular skin secretion of the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax contains nine peptides named fallaxidins. The sequences of these peptides were elucidated using a combination of positive and negative electrospray mass spectrometry together with Edman sequencing. Among these peptides are: (i) fallaxidins 1.1 and 2.1 which have the sequences YFPIPI-NH2 and FWPFM-NH2. The activities of these peptides are unknown, but it has been shown that they are not smooth muscle active, opioids or antimicrobially active, nor do they effect proliferation of lymphocytes; (ii) two weakly active antibiotics, fallaxidins 3.1 and 3.2 (e.g. fallaxidin 3.1, GLLDLAKHVIGIASKL-NH2), and a moderately active antibiotic fallaxidin 4.1 (GLLSFLPKVIGVIGHLIHPPS-OH). Fallaxidin 4.1 has an unusual sequence for an antibiotic, containing three Pro residues together with a C-terminal CO2H group. cDNA cloning has confirmed the identity of the nine isolated peptides from L. fallax, together with five additional peptides not detected in the peptide profile. The pre-regions of the nine preprofallaxidins are conserved and similar to those of the caerin peptides from L. caerulea and L. splendida, suggesting that the fallaxidin and caerin peptides, although significantly different in sequence, originated from a common ancestor gene.
3. Histidine-containing host-defence skin peptides of anurans bind Cu2+. An electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry and computational modelling study
Tianfang Wang, Hayley J Andreazza, Tara L Pukala, Patrick J Sherman, Antonio N Calabrese, John H Bowie Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2011 May 15;25(9):1209-21. doi: 10.1002/rcm.4981.
Anuran peptides which contain His, including caerin 1.8 (GLFKVLGSVAKHLLPHVVPVIAEKL-NH(2)), caerin 1.2 (GLLGVLGSVAKHVLPHVVPVIAEHL-NH(2)), Ala(15) maculatin 1.1 (GLFGVLAKVAAHVVAIEHF-NH(2)), fallaxidin 4.1 (GLLSFLPKVIGHLIHPPS-OH), riparin 5.1 (IVSYPDDAGEHAHKMG-NH(2)) and signiferin 2.1 (IIGHLIKTALGMLGL-NH(2)), all form MMet(2+) and (M + Met(2+)-2H(+))(2+) cluster ions (where Met is Cu, Mg and Zn) following electrospray ionisation (ESI) in a Waters QTOF 2 mass spectrometer. Peaks due to Cu(II) complexes are always the most abundant relative to other metal complexes. Information concerning metal(2+) connectivity in a complex has been obtained (at least in part) using b and y fragmentation data from ESI collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (CID MS/MS). Theoretical calculations, using AMBER version 10, show that MCu(2+) complexes with the membrane active caerin 1.8, Ala(15) maculatin 1.1 and fallaxidin 4.1 are four-coordinate and approximating square planar, with ligands including His and Lys, together with the carbonyl oxygens of particular backbone amide groups. When binding can occur through two His, or one His and one Lys, the His/Lys ligand structure is the more stable for the studied systems. The three-dimensional (3D) structures of the complexes are always different from the previously determined structures of the uncomplexed model peptides (using 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in membrane-mimicking solvents like trifluoroethanol/water).
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