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Frenatin-4 is a very weak antimicrobial peptide since it does not show activity below 100 µg/ml against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Micrococcus luteus, Pastewella haemolytica, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis and Streptococcus uberis.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Host defense peptides from Lithobates forreri, Hylarana luctuosa, and Hylarana signata (Ranidae): phylogenetic relationships inferred from primary structures of ranatuerin-2 and brevinin-2 peptides
J Michael Conlon, et al. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. 2014 Mar;9:49-57. doi: 10.1016/j.cbd.2014.01.002. Epub 2014 Jan 11.
The primary structures of host-defense peptides present in frog skin secretions constitute useful molecular markers for establishing taxonomic classifications and investigating phylogenetic relationships between species within a particular genus. Peptidomic analysis has led to the characterization of multiple host-defense peptides in norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of three species of frogs from the family Ranidae: Lithobates forreri (Boulenger, 1883), Hylarana luctuosa (Peters, 1871), and Hylarana signata (Günther, 1872). The L. forreri secretions contain ranatuerin-2 (2 peptides), brevinin-1 (4 peptides), and temporin (1 peptide). The H. luctuosa secretions contain brevinin-2 (4 peptides), esculentin-1 (1 peptide), esculentin-2 (1 peptide), palustrin-2 (2 peptides), and temporin (2 peptides). The H. signata secretions contain brevinin-2 (4 peptides), brevinin-1 (5 peptides), palustrin-2 (1 peptide), and temporin (2 peptides). Cladistic analysis based upon the primary structures of 44 ranatuerin-2 peptides from 20 Lithobates species indicates a close phylogenetic relationship between L. forreri, Lithobates onca, and Lithobates yavapaiensis. A similar cladistic analysis based upon the primary structures of 27 brevinin-2 peptides from 8 Hylarana species provides support for a close phylogenetic relationship between H. signata and Hylarana picturata, while showing that the species are not conspecific, with H. luctuosa more distantly related.
2. Characterization of antimicrobial peptides from the skin secretions of the Malaysian frogs, Odorrana hosii and Hylarana picturata (Anura:Ranidae)
J Michael Conlon, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Norbert Nowotny, Jérôme Leprince, Hubert Vaudry, Laurent Coquet, Thierry Jouenne, Jay D King Toxicon. 2008 Sep 1;52(3):465-73. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2008.06.017. Epub 2008 Jun 25.
Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions from Hose's rock frog Odorrana hosii (Boulenger, 1891) led to the isolation of 8 peptides with differential antibacterial activities. Structural characterization demonstrated that the peptides belonged to the esculentin-1 (1 peptide), esculentin-2 (1 peptide), brevinin-1 (2 peptides), brevinin-2 (2 peptides), and nigrocin-2 (2 peptides) families of antimicrobial peptides. Similar analysis of skin secretions from the Malaysian fire frog Hylarana picturata (Boulenger, 1920) led to the isolation and characterization of peptides belonging to the brevinin-1 (2 peptides), brevinin-2 (5 peptides), and temporin (1 peptide) families. The differences in antimicrobial activities of paralogous peptides provide insight into structure-activity relationships, emphasizing the importance of cationicity in determining potency. The substitution Lys11-->Gln in brevinin-1HSa (FLPAVLRVAAKIVPTVFCAISKKC) from O. hosii abolishes growth inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli but has no effect on the high potency (MIC = 8 microg/ml) against Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast, the substitution (Gly4-->Asp) in brevinin-2PTb (GFKGAFKNVMFGIAKSAGKSALNALACKIDKSC) from H. picturata reduces activity against both E. coli and S. aureus. Cladistic analysis based upon the amino acid sequences of the brevinin-2 peptides from Asian frogs provides evidence for sister taxon relationships between O. hosii and O. livida and between H. picturata and H. güntheri.
3. Antimicrobial peptides from the skin secretions of the South-East Asian frog Hylarana erythraea (Ranidae)
Nadia Al-Ghaferi, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Norbert Nowotny, Laurent Coquet, Thierry Jouenne, Jérôme Leprince, Hubert Vaudry, Jay D King, J Michael Conlon Peptides. 2010 Apr;31(4):548-54. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2009.12.013. Epub 2009 Dec 14.
Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of the South-East Asian frog Hylarana erythraea (formerly Rana erythraea partim) has led to the identification of multiple peptides with antimicrobial activity. Structural characterization of the peptides demonstrated that they belong to the brevinin-1 (3), brevinin-2 (2), esculentin-2 (4), and temporin (1) families. The values in parentheses indicate the number of paralogs. In addition, a peptide (GVIKSVLKGVAKTVALG ML.NH(2)) was isolated that shows some structural similarity to the brevinin-2-related peptides (B2RP) previously isolated from North American frogs of the genus Lithobates. A synthetic replicate of the species B2RP showed broad-spectrum growth inhibitory activity against reference strains of Escherichia coli (MIC=12.5 microM), Staphylococcus aureus (MIC=12.5 microM) and Candida albicans (MIC=50 microM) and was active against multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Acetinobacter baumannii (MIC in the range 6-12.5 microM). The hemolytic activity of the peptide was relatively low (LC(50)=280 microM). Phylogenetic analysis based upon the amino acid sequences of 47 brevinin-2 peptides from 17 Asian species belonging to the family Ranidae provides support for the placement of H. erythraea in the genus Hylarana.
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