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Gymnin is a potent defensin-like antifungal peptide from the Yunnan bean (Gymnocladus chinensis Baill). Gymnin exerts antifungal activity against F.oxysporum and M.arachidicola, with an IC50 of 2 µM for the former fungus and 10 µM, respectively. It inhibits human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase.

Functional Peptides
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Takashi Sugihara, Hayato Murano, Katsuyoshi Fujikawa, Ignacia Braga Tanaka, Jun-Ichiro Komura Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2022 Sep 9;198(13-15):1196-1199. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncac151.
Previous reports showed a reduction in hematopoietic death in mice exposed to a high (challenge) radiation dose if exposed two weeks prior with a relatively small (priming) radiation dose (0.3-0.5 Gy). This in vivo acquisition of radioresistance, known as "adaptive response" or the "Yonezawa effect," was shown in the experiments performed using high dose-rates (HDR) for priming. In the present study, we used low (LDR) and medium dose-rates (MDR) of radiation for priming in male C57BL mice. A total dose of 0.45-0.46 Gy (LDR, 20 mGy/day × 23 days or MDR, 18 mGy/hour × 25 hours) was used for priming, and was followed by challenge exposure 12 days later at an HDR (0.8 Gy/min) to a total dose of 6.75 Gy. Increased survival rates were observed in mice exposed to priming radiation delivered at LDR or MDR, suggesting that the adaptive responses induced are comparable with those induced at HDR.
2. Complex Long-term Effects of Radiation on Adult Mouse Behavior
Lillian Garrett, Marie-Claire Ung, Jan Einicke, Annemarie Zimprich, Felix Fenzl, Daniel Pawliczek, Jochen Graw, Claudia Dalke, Sabine M Höltera Radiat Res. 2022 Jan 1;197(1):67-77. doi: 10.1667/RADE-20-00281.1.
We have shown previously that a single radiation event (0.063, 0.125 or 0.5 Gy, 0.063 Gy/min) in adult mice (age 10 weeks) can have delayed dose-dependent effects on locomotor behavior 18 months postirradiation. The highest dose (0.5 Gy) reduced, whereas the lowest dose (0.063 Gy) increased locomotor activity at older age independent of sex or genotype. In the current study we investigated whether higher doses administered at a higher dose rate (0.5, 1 or 2 Gy, 0.3 Gy/min) at the same age (10 weeks) cause stronger or earlier effects on a range of behaviors, including locomotion, anxiety, sensorimotor and cognitive behavior. There were clear dose-dependent effects on spontaneous locomotor and exploratory activity, anxiety-related behavior, body weight and affiliative social behavior independent of sex or genotype of wild-type and Ercc2S737P heterozygous mice on a mixed C57BL/6JG and C3HeB/FeJ background. In addition, smaller genotype- and dose-dependent radiation effects on working memory were evident in males, but not in females. The strongest dose-dependent radiation effects were present 4 months postirradiation, but only effects on affiliative social behaviors persisted until 12 months postirradiation. The observed radiation-induced behavioral changes were not related to alterations in the eye lens, as 4 months postirradiation anterior and posterior parts of the lens were still normal. Overall, we did not find any sensitizing effect of the mutation towards radiation effects in vivo.
3. Lens Epithelial Cell Proliferation in Response to Ionizing Radiation
S Barnard, A Uwineza, A Kalligeraki, R McCarron, F Kruse, E A Ainsbury, R A Quinlan Radiat Res. 2022 Jan 1;197(1):92-99. doi: 10.1667/RADE-20-00294.1.
Lens epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation are naturally well regulated and controlled, a characteristic essential for lens structure, symmetry and function. The effect of ionizing radiation on lens epithelial cell proliferation has been demonstrated in previous studies at high acute doses, but the effect of dose and dose rate on proliferation has not yet been considered. In this work, mice received single acute doses of 0.5, 1 and 2 Gy of radiation, at dose rates of 0.063 and 0.3 Gy/min. Eye lenses were isolated postirradiation at 30 min up until 14 days and flat-mounted. Then, cell proliferation rates were determined using biomarker Ki67. As expected, radiation increased cell proliferation 2 and 24 h postirradiation transiently (undetectable 14 days postirradiation) and was dose dependent (changes were very significant at 2 Gy; P = 0.008). A dose-rate effect did not reach significance in this study (P = 0.054). However, dose rate and lens epithelial cell region showed significant interactions (P < 0.001). These observations further our mechanistic understanding of how the lens responds to radiation.
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