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Lunasin is a novel, cancer-preventive peptide whose efficacy against chemical carcinogens and oncogenes has been demonstrated in mammalian cells and in a skin cancer mouse model.

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1. Lunasin as a Promising Plant-Derived Peptide for Cancer Therapy
Stephanny Miranda Alves de Souza, Blanca Hernández-Ledesma, Theo Luiz Ferraz de Souza Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 23;23(17):9548. doi: 10.3390/ijms23179548.
Cancer has become one of the main public health problems worldwide, demanding the development of new therapeutic agents that can help reduce mortality. Lunasin is a soybean peptide that has emerged as an attractive option because its preventive and therapeutic actions against cancer. In this review, we evaluated available research on lunasin's structure and mechanism of action, which should be useful for the development of lunasin-based therapeutic products. We described data on its primary, secondary, tertiary, and possible quaternary structure, susceptibility to post-translational modifications, and structural stability. These characteristics are important for understanding drug activity and characterizing lunasin products. We also provided an overview of research on lunasin pharmacokinetics and safety. Studies examining lunasin's mechanisms of action against cancer were reviewed, highlighting reported activities, and known molecular partners. Finally, we briefly discussed commercially available lunasin products and potential combination therapeutics.
2. [Lunasin--a novel chemopreventive peptide]
Katarzyna Wołosik, Agnieszka Markowska, Iwona Kuźmicz Postepy Biochem. 2014;60(1):84-9.
Lunasin is a bioactive peptide originally isolated from soybean and has demonstrated chemopreventive and anticancer properties against: skin, colon, prostate and breast cancers. Lunasin by binding to the receptors of colon cancer cells prevents its adhesion to the liver tissue. When the receptor is blocked, new blood vessels cannot differentiate which prevent the spread of cancer. In the model estrogen-independent breast cancer, lunasin and aspirin administration inhibits cell proliferation, arrest cell cycle in S-phase as well as a decreases expression of cancer genes. Lunasin has also been found to exert potent antioxidant properties, reducing lipopolysaccharide induced production of ROS by macrophage cells, and acting as a potent free radical scavenger. Using the modifying the of DNA method it has been demonstrated that CpG islands were hypomethylated in RWPE-1 cell lines and hypermethylated RWPE-2 in cell line.Despite of numerous and promising evidence of antitumor activity of lunasin, there are still not explained all the mechanisms of its action in the processes of carcinogenesis.
3. Development of the plant-derived peptide lunasin as an anticancer agent
Saleha B Vuyyuri, Chris Shidal, Keith R Davis Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2018 Aug;41:27-33. doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2018.04.006. Epub 2018 May 22.
The health benefits of soy consumption have long been recognized. An important potential benefit is the linkage of soy consumption with reduced cancer risk. One emerging factor that may confer the anticancer effects of soy is the peptide lunasin. Lunasin has both chemopreventive and therapeutic activities against a variety of carcinogens and cancer types. A novel feature of lunasin is that it contains multiple functional domains that can modulate gene expression through effects on histone acetylation and integrin signaling. Recent studies suggest that lunasin effects on integrin signaling in cancer stem cells reduce expression of stemness factors with a concomitant reduction in metastatic potential. Here, we highlight recent studies of the potential use of lunasin as an anticancer agent and its mode of action.
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