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(2S)-2-[[(2S)-2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoyl]amino]-3-hydroxypropanoic acid
Trp-Ser; L-tryptophyl-L-serine; L-Trp-L-Ser
White Powder
Store at -20°C
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1. Entropy-driven population distributions in a prototypical molecule with two flexible side chains: O-(2-acetamidoethyl)-N-acetyltyramine
V Alvin Shubert, et al. J Chem Phys. 2007 Dec 21;127(23):234315. doi: 10.1063/1.2803076.
Resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI), resonant ion-dip infrared (RIDIR), and UV-UV hole-burning spectroscopies have been employed to obtain conformation-specific infrared and ultraviolet spectra under supersonic expansion conditions for O-(2-acetamidoethyl)-N-acetyltyramine (OANAT), a doubly substituted aromatic in which amide-containing alkyl and alkoxy side chains are located in para positions on a phenyl ring. For comparison, three single-chain analogs were also studied: (i) N-phenethyl-acetamide (NPEA), (ii) N-(p-methoxyphenethyl-acetamide) (NMPEA), and (iii) N-(2-phenoxyethyl)-acetamide (NPOEA). Six conformations of OANAT have been resolved, with S(0)-S(1) origins ranging from 34,536 to 35,711 cm(-1), denoted A-F, respectively. RIDIR spectra show that conformers A-C each possess an intense, broadened amide NH stretch fundamental shifted below 3400 cm(-1), indicative of the presence of an interchain H bond, while conformers D-F have both amide NH stretch fundamentals in the 3480-3495 cm(-1) region, consistent with independent-chain structures with two free NH groups. NPEA has a single conformer with S(0)-S(1) origin at 37,618 cm(-1). NMPEA has three conformers, two that dominate the R2P1 spectrum, with origin transitions between 35,580 and 35,632 cm(-1). Four conformations, one dominate and three minor, of NPOEA have been resolved with origins between 35,654 and 36,423 cm(-1). To aid the making of conformational assignments, the geometries of low-lying structures of all four molecules have been optimized and the associated harmonic vibrational frequencies calculated using density functional theory (DFT) and RIMP2 methods. The S(0)-S(1) adiabatic excitation energies have been calculated using the RICC2 method and vertical excitation energies using single-point time-dependent DFT. The sensitivity of the S(0)-S(1) energy separation in OANAT and NPOEA primarily arises from different orientations of the chain attached to the phenoxy group. Using the results of the single-chain analogs, tentative assignments have been made for the observed conformers of OANAT. The RIMP2 calculations predict that interchain H-bonded conformers of OANAT are 25-30 kJ/mol more stable than the extended-chain structures. However, the free energies of the interchain H-bonded and extended structures calculated at the preexpansion temperature (450 K) differ by less than 10 kJ/mol, and the number of extended structures far outweighs the number of H-bonded conformers. This entropy-driven effect explains the presence of the independent-chain conformers in the expansion, and cautions future studies that rely solely on relative energies of conformers in considering possible assignments.
2. Single-conformation ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy of model synthetic foldamers: beta-peptides Ac-beta3-hPhe-beta3-hAla-NHMe and Ac-beta3-hAla-beta3-hPhe-NHMe
Esteban E Baquero, William H James 3rd, Soo Hyuk Choi, Samuel H Gellman, Timothy S Zwier J Am Chem Soc. 2008 Apr 9;130(14):4795-807. doi: 10.1021/ja078272q. Epub 2008 Mar 18.
The conformational preferences and infrared and ultraviolet spectral signatures of two model beta-peptides, Ac-beta3-hPhe-beta3-hAla-NHMe (1) and Ac-beta3-hAla-beta3-hPhe-NHMe (2), have been explored under jet-cooled, isolated-molecule conditions. The mass-resolved, resonant two-photon ionization spectra of the two molecules were recorded in the region of the S0-S1 origin of the phenyl substituents (37,200-37,800 cm(-1)). UV-UV hole-burning spectroscopy was used to determine the ultraviolet spectral signatures of five conformational isomers of both 1 and 2. Transitions due to two conformers (labeled A and B) dominate the R2PI spectra of each molecule, while the other three are minor conformers (C-E) with transitions a factor of 3-5 smaller. Resonant ion-dip infrared spectroscopy was used to obtain single-conformation infrared spectra in the 3300-3700 cm(-1) region. The infrared spectra showed patterns of NH stretch transitions characteristic of the number and type of intramolecular H-bonds present in the beta-peptide backbone. For comparison with experiment, full optimizations of low-lying minima of both molecules were carried out at DFT B3LYP/6-31+G*, followed by single point MP2/6-31+G* and selected MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ calculations at the DFT optimized geometries. Calculated harmonic vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities for the amide NH stretch vibrations were used to determine the beta-peptide backbone structures for nine of the ten observed conformers. Conformers 1B, 1D, and 2A were assigned to double ring structures containing two C6 H-bonded rings (C6a/C6a), conformers 1A and 2B are C10 single H-bonded rings, conformers 1C and 2D are double ring structures composed of two C8 H-bonded rings (C8/C8), and conformers 1E and 2E are double ring/double acceptor structures in which two NH groups H-bond to the same C=O group, thereby weakening both H-bonds. Both 1E and 2E are tentatively assigned to C6/C8 double ring/double acceptor structures, although C8/C12 structures cannot be ruled out unequivocally. Finally, no firm conformational assignment has been made for conformer 2C whose unusual infrared spectrum contains one very strong H-bond with NH stretch frequency at 3309 cm(-1), a second H-bonded NH stretch fundamental of more typical value (3399 cm(-1)), and a third fundamental at 3440 cm(-1), below that typical of a branched-chain free NH. The single conformation spectra provide characteristic wavenumber ranges for the amide NH stretch fundamentals ascribed to C6 (3378-3415 cm(-1)), C8 (3339-3369 cm(-1)), and C10 (3381-3390 cm(-1)) H-bonded rings.
3. Mid- and near-infrared spectra of conformers of H-Pro-Trp-OH
Thomas Häber, Kai Seefeld, Karl Kleinermanns J Phys Chem A. 2007 Apr 26;111(16):3038-46. doi: 10.1021/jp070571e. Epub 2007 Apr 4.
We present near- and mid-infrared-UV double resonance spectra of the natural dipeptide H-Pro-Trp-OH. Two conformers are present in the supersonic expansion: a stretched conformer with fully extended backbone and a folded conformer with an OH...OCpep hydrogen bond. Both conformers are stabilized by dispersion interaction between indole ring and peptide backbone and a NHpep/Nproline contact. The vibrational and conformational assignment is supported by DFT and MP2 calculations. An adequate description of the energetic order of different conformers requires the explicit inclusion of dispersion and geometry optimization at the MP2 level. We will address the very sensitivity of the observed conformations to the structure of the end groups.
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